Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Il est né le divin enfant (final correct pronunciation)

Corrections in green :D

Il est né (Eel eh nay) le di-vin en-fant, (luh dee-veen ong-fong)
Jou-ez haut-bois, (Zhoo-ayz oh-buah) rés-on-nez mu-set-tes. (reh-zoh-nay miu-zet-tur)
Il est né le di-vin en-fant, (Eel eh nay luh dee-veen ong-fong)
Chan-tons tous (Shong-tong too) son a-vè-ne-ment. (song ah-veh-nuh-mong)

De-puis plus de (Duh-pwee ploo duh) qua-tre mille ans (kah-truh *roll the r* meel ong)
Nous le pro-met-taient (Noo luh pro-may-tay) les pro-phè-tes, (lay praw-fet-tur)
De-puis plus de qua-tre mille ans (Duh-pwee ploo duh kah-truh meel ong)
Nous at-ten-dions (Noo-za-tong-dee-ong) cet heureux temps. (set uh-ruh tong)

Ah! Qu´il est beau, (Ah! Keel ay bow) qu´il est char-mant! (Keel eh shar-mong)
Ah! que ses grâ-ces (Ah! Kuh say grass-suh) sont par-fai-tes! (song par-fay-tur)
Ah! Qu´il est beau, qu´il est char-mant! (Ah! Keel eh bow, keel eh shar-mong)
Qu´il est doux ce di-vin en-fant! (Keel eh doo suh dee-veen ong-fong)

Une é-ta-ble (Yoon *don't emphasise the y sound* eh-tah-bluh) est son lo-ge-ment, (eh song loh-zhe-mong)
Un peu de paille (Ung puh duh pie) est sa cou-chet-te, (eh sah koo-shet-tur)
Une é-table est son lo-ge-ment, (Yoon eh-tah-bluh eh song loh-zhe-mong)
Pour un Dieu (Poor ung Dee-uh) quel a-bais-se-ment. (kell ah-bay-suh-mong)

O Jés-us (Oh Zhay-zoo), roi tout puis-sant, (rooah too pwee-sang)
Si pe-tit en-fant que vous ê-tes, (See puh-teet ong-fong kuh voo-zett-tur)
O Jé-sus, roi tout puis-sant, (Oh Zhay-zoo, rooah too pwee-sang)
Rég-nez sur (Ruh-nee-ay see-uh) nous en-tiè-re-ment. (noo-zong-tee-ay-ruh-mong)

Please check your emails as Ms Tham has kindly sent us a recording of the pronunciation done by her French friend. I've tried uploading it to this blog post multiple times but there's an error :(

For this song, please memorise the REFRAIN so that you don't have to keep flipping back to page 16 from page 17. And for all Christmas carols, remember to keep smiling and move naturally to the music to give off a good vibe. Hold your scorebook in such a way that when you look up at the conductor and down at your score, only your eyes, not your whole head, move.
Don't give up guys! And don't focus on the time you wish you had - instead, do what you can with the time that has been given to you. :D
